Manuscript Preparation

The following text provides detailed information about various aspects of Manuscript preparation for submitting to JIRSD.


Authors must indicate the Manuscript Category under which they are submitting their manuscripts. All manuscripts (except those submitted under Book Review, Correspondence and News category) should have a brief introduction. The text should be intelligible to readers in different disciplines and technical terms should be defined. The text may be broken into sub-headings.


Figures (graphs, charts etc.) should be neatly prepared and placed within the text. Note that each figure will be considered equivalent to 250 words. The figures should be numbered in a chronological order using numbers (1, 2, 3 and so on) in the order of their appearance in the text. Each figure should have a suitable caption and the caption must be placed below the figure. 

If the figure is made using data from another source, the source should be included within brackets after the caption and the full details of the source should be included in the references. E.g.

Figure. 1 Graph depicting global rise in population from 1901 to 2001. (Source: UNDP, 2011)

The text should include a reference to respective Figures else the Figures will be removed. E.g.

The population of the world has been on the rise since 1901 (Fig.1).


Tables should be neatly prepared in a word processing software (e.g Microsoft Word, OpenOffice) and placed with the text. Note that each table will be considered equivalent to 250 words. Tables should be numbered in chronological order using numbers (1, 2, 3 and so on) in the order of their appearance in the text. Each table should have a suitable caption and the caption must be placed above the table.

If the table is made using data from another source, the source should be included within brackets after the caption and the full details of the source should be included in the references. E.g.

Table. 1 State-wise population of India. (Source: Census of India, 2011)

The text should include a reference to respective Tables else the Tables will be removed. E.g.

There is much variation in state-wise population of India (Table 1).


JIRSD follows the APA format for references.

How to Cite Research Papers:

Van Roon, A., Mulder, L., Althaus, M. & Mulder, G. (2004). Introducing a baroflex model for studying cardiovascular effects of mental workload. Psychophysiology, 41, 961–981.

i.e. Surname of First Author, Initials of First Name of First Author, Surname of Second Author, Initials of First Name of Second Author, and so on. (Year). Name of the Research Paper. Name of the Journal. Volume, Page numbers of the article.

How to Cite Books:

Jans, N. (2013). The Last Light Breaking: Living Among Alaska’s Inupiat Eskimos. Graphic Arts Books.

i.e. Surname, Initials of Firs Name of Author. (Year of Publication). Name of the Book. Name of the Publisher, Place and Country where Publisher is Located.

For seeking How to Cite help about other materials, please consult with the Editor (


Authors must acknowledge the persons, mentors, institutes and organizations that have provided academic and financial support for their work. Any other conflict of interest must be declared while submitting the manuscripts.

Copyright Information

JIRSD is published under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. All publications in the JIRSD are Open Access and will always remain freely downloadable for all users. Authors retain the copyright to their publications under the aforementioned license’s terms and conditions.


The jurisdiction for all disputes concerning articles submitted to JIRSD and published material will be at courts/ tribunals situated in NCT of Delhi (India) only.